Friday, July 18, 2014

Conquering Chironomids Volume II

In July of 2013 Brian Chan and I released Conquering Chironomids, Strike Indicator Techniques, the first volume of a three part instructional DVD series.  Response to this DVD has been overwhelming and humbling for both Brian and I.  Reviews have been positive and Brian and I are pleased to hear that you found the concepts and ideas presented in Volume I helpful.  In just one year our initial run of DVD’s is almost gone.  Not to worry, we will be duplicating another batch of Volume I shortly.

In late June we began production of Volume II of this educational series building on what we presented in volume I.  Volume II explores a variety of different presentation techniques including, deep water indicator techniques, floating lines and long leaders, better known in some circles as the naked technique, slow sinking lines and ‘dangling’ using fast sinking lines.

We still have some filming to complete in early August. If all goes according to plan, and so far everything is on track, Volume II will be available later on this fall.  We will also be exploring the option of making Volumes I and II available through digital download.

Initial filming in Manitoba was great!
Projects such as our Conquering Chironomids DVD series would not be possible without our primary sponsors. Brian and I use the products from the sponsors listed below whenever we are on the water.  We are grateful for their support and encourage you to support them whenever you can.  Simply click on the logos below to be taken their specific websites.

Special thanks to Loon Outdoors Scotty Products and Moby Nets for their product support as well.


  1. Deep water fly fishing with epoxy buzzers is a great skill to learn. Leaders of 24' and 3 flies of differing weight can catch fish over some very deep water.

    I use buzzers in sizes 8s long shank to around 16s. In high summer it's often the only option until the sun goes down and the fish more into the bank in the dark.

    Early morning we find huge buzzer shucks in the margins and fish caught can be full of Chiro's some over an inch long.

    Nice post.

    1. Thanks Richard, long leader tactics is just one of the ones we will be demonstrating in this DVD. Using floating lines coupled with long leaders and team of flies is probably my favorite stillwater presentation technique. We also use slow sinking and fast sinking lines too along with a few other tricks.

      Cheers, Phil

  2. Good work, Phil! Looking forward to checking out part 2!!! Do you thing there will be a trilogy?

  3. Yes Erik, there will be a third volume. At this point the plan is a comprehensive tying DVD to illustrate our favorite chironomid patterns that we have featured throughout volumes I and II.

  4. Hey guys, you mentioned exploring digital downloads in this post. Did that pan out or not? I'd be interested in a digital download especially if it were high res! Thanks for the hard work guys!
